Inguinal Hernia

Treatment for inguinal hernia

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What is inguinal hernia?

An inguinal hernia usually occurs when the membrane covering the abdominal cavity protrudes out through a weak point in the abdominal layer as shown in the image below. The resulting protrusion causes pain especially when lifting a heavy object, while coughing or bend over.

Is surgery a permanent solution to inguinal hernia?

According to the western allopathic medical system, it doesn’t get better or go away on its own so they may usually recommend surgery to patients to fix an inguinal hernia. Though inguinal hernia is a common surgical procedure it is not a permanent solution as patients get back hernia within a year or two.

Special treatment for hernia without surgery

At Sakthi’s Hospital And Research Center, Chennai we have succeeded in treating the inguinal hernia patients with internal medicine. With our specially formulated medicine the protrusion part has been completely withdrawn into the abdominal layer without any physical therapy. Adding to it the weak portion of abdominal layer is also strengthened by these medications making it a permanent solution for inguinal hernia. Thus we have achieved a break through in the treatment of inguinal hernia.

Case Report